Who We Are


SCT Centre | COREP (Italy)

COREP is a non-profit consortium founded in 1987. Its main fields of activities are: specialized and high-level advanced training, innovation support and services for Consortium Members.

In the field of education and training, COREP:

  • organises university masters courses, aimed at young graduates and professionals;
  • proposes life-long education activities to update the skills of professionals and researchers;
  • promotes joint activities between businesses, local Authorities and Universities within the framework of special projects;
  • participates in European projects, both as a partner and as a coordinator.

Within its activity, Corep manages the SCT – Social Community Theatre Centre, born in 2014 in collaboration with University of Turin and Teatro Popolare Europeo.

SCT Centre sums up different know-hows in scientific, artistic, cultural and management fields. It is based on Italian cultural and artistic heritage made of creativity, research and relationships and focuses on the development of plural communities and inclusive societies.

SCT Centre has an innovative and multidisciplinar methodology created by Alessandro Pontremoli and Alessandra Ghiglione in 2000. Their vision is centered on the efficacy of theatre and performing arts on human development, as they believe art is a tool to increase personal, professional and community well-being.

Maurizio Bertolini

Creator and project manager of the Project “TIM – Theatre in Mathematics”. expert of social theatre, creative mathematician, ICT expert. Has a Master Degree in Social and Community Theatre at the University of Turin, in 2006. He works in the Social and Community Theatre Centre as a creator, coordinator, trainer and Social and Community Theatre operator in national and international projects in the field of education, culture, emergency contexts and cooperation. He created Mathemart, a methodology for teaching Mathematics in the Social and Community Theatre, which he experimented in Italy and Europe. He teaches in the course “Educational and Social Theatre” in the Education Department of the University of Turin. He has been technological manager in the european project Caravan Next (Creative Europe), a Social and Community Theatre project with 13 international partners which operated in 16 european countries. He collaborated with the IOM (International Organization for Migration), UNAOC (United Nations Alliance for Civilization), and the NGO CIFA and CCM.

Alessandra Rossi Ghiglione

director and creator of the Social and Community Theatre Centre | University of Turin (SCT Centre | Unito), she is a community theatre expert.

Adjunct Professor first in Milan and Brescia, since 2004 at the University of Turin, she is creator, director and project manager of applied research projects, cultural and social projects on performing arts, wellbeing and inclusive societies. She has also worked as dramatist in Narrative Theatre and in Italian Contemporary Theatre. In 2004 she founded Teatro Popolare Europeo -artistic partner of University of Turin – and directed more than 20 professional artistic performances and several community theatre projects in rural and urban areas, hospital and health facilities, gender groups, disabilities groups, etc. Consultant and supervisor of national and international programs about plural communities, human rights and gender issue, audience development and cultural memory, mental health and wellbeing; she is a trainer on capacity building and team building for national and international public and private institutions.

Elena Cangemi

She works in the Social and Community Theatre Centre of Turin as a co-trainer, tutor, management support and Social and Community Theatre operator in national and international projects in the field of education and culture. She has a background in language studies, drama in education, language pedagogy and social work.


HVL (Norway)

Western Norway University of Applied Science (HVL), one of the largest higher education institutions in the country, offers Bachelor and Master studies primarily within education, engineering, health and social sciences.

Researchers at HVL work in multidisciplinary teams and in close cooperation with universities, research institutes and organizations at national and international levels. HVL`s dedicated role in community development makes the institution an important partner for local authorities and regional stakeholders, including among others; industry, hospitals, health- and social care institutions, schools, kindergartens, and culture institutions.

HVL has for the past years focused on development of new knowledge about creative processes and learning, with an established MA program in this field, and has hosted several international conferences on this topic

Tor-Helge Allern

Tor-Helge Allern er professor of drama and applied theatre at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL) and Nord university.  He has conducted several research projects in school applying drama and dramaturgy, on drama with asylum seekers, and on training of communication skills with doctors and nurses in hospitals. Allern has conducted research applying drama in mathematics to change communication patterns in teaching and learning processes in math for several years. 

He was co-editor for a Norwegian anthology: Drama, Theatre and Democracy (2017). The recent years he has published articles on process drama, education in the 17.the century, dramaturgy and learning processes, and on Live Action Role Play (LARP).

Ove Gunnar Drageset

Ove Gunnar Drageset has a phd in mathematics education and his research interest is focused on communication in the mathematics classrooms. Together with Tor-Helge Allern he has developed a method for using process drama and role aspects to change the communication patterns in mathematics classrooms.


DoRS (Italy)


DoRS, the Health Promotion Documentation Centre of Piedmont Region was established in 1998 by the regional Government. DoRS mission is to support health promotion policies, actions and projects at local, regional and national level, through a knowledge transfer and exchange approach, in the community, school, workplace and healthcare setting (see more www.dors.it).

DoRS main activities are:

  • to review, adapt and exchange scientific knowledge with stakeholders, decision-makers and professionals on health promotion and prevention
  • to select and share information about publications, good practices and experiences developed in the field of health and wellbeing improvement
  • to support the design, development and evaluation of interventions, plans and policies in the health and wellbeing domain
  • to train professionals and decision-makers in developing skills and competencies in health promotion and wellbeing
  • to cooperate in developing networks at local, regional, national and international level.
Simonetta Lingua

Pedagogist, health promotion expert in school settings. Piedmont Regional coordinator for Schools for Health in Europe (SHE network)

Vincenzo Rubino

Gestalt psychologist and professional educator expert in skills development process in school setting and organizational context

Claudio Tortone

Medical doctor of public health and director of Health Promotion Projects and Innovation Area


ASTA (Portugal)

ASTA, a professional structure founded in 2000, finds its identity in a transdisciplinary approach based on theatre, although embracing all arts equally as a form of expression of the human existence. In addition to the creative processes, its activities are extremely diverse and span from education to the realization of festivals, creation and production of plays, performances, animations, artistic exchanges, training and workshops in various areas, giving emphasis to education through performing arts.

Rui Pires

Doctorate in Literature and Culture Studies, at the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain, where he studies Theater and Performing Arts. He has a Master’s Degree in Linguistic, Literary and Cultural Studies and a Degree in Communication Sciences. He has worked since 2003 as an actor and theater director, programmer, producer and head of communication. He was also a journalist in the regional press.

Sergio Nuovo

22 years of career in theater / performance art, as a director, actor, designer, educator, teacher, among others… Master in Visual Arts and Multimedia Design. Responsible for numerous projects developed at national and international level, both in the artistic and educational fields.


TUC (Greece)

The Lab. of Distributed Multimedia Information Systems of the Technical University of Crete (TUC/MUSIC) was established in 1990. It is a centre of research, development and teaching in the areas of distributed information systems, information systems engineering, computer graphics, and simulation engineering.

TUC/MUSIC performs research in the areas of high performance distributed multimedia architectures, information systems offering advanced functionalities, data base systems, information retrieval systems, digital libraries, service oriented architectures, and graphics systems. In the area of application engineering, TUC/MUSIC performs research in the topics of large distributed multimedia delivery networks for intelligent TV applications, semantic interoperability infrastructures, web and mobile based application development methodologies, natural language processing, as well as standard-based software infrastructures for multimedia applications in areas such as e-learning, culture and tourism, business applications, TV Applications and medicine. It also has extensive experience in usability aspects of modern applications, the design of intuitive and efficient graphical user interfaces both for the desktop and the web, and their evaluation following standard methodologies.

TUC/MUSIC has participated in over 50 EU projects and Excellence Networks. In the recent years, the Lab participates in several Erasmus+ projects (e-ARTinED, MultiLib, DISCOVER, MechMate, MILAN, etc.) focusing on innovative pedagogical approaches integrating Arts and/or promoting advanced digital skills in European Schools. In many of these projects TUC provides the eLearning infrastructure to support online teacher training activities.

Prof. Emer. Stavros Christodoulakis

Former director of TUC/MUSIC, Professor Emeritus of the ECE Department of TUC, and Member of the Scientific Board of the Institute of Telecommunications of Crete; member of the Scientific Board of the DELOS II Network of Excellence on Digital Libraries; co-coordinator of the DELOS II Cluster “Audio-visual and non-traditional objects”. Member of the Working Group 3/Technical Committee 48 of the Greek Organization for Standardization (ELOT) working in the area of learning processes and technologies standardization.

Nektarios Moumoutzis

Researcher. Holds a MEng in Computer Engineering. He has been involved in various research projects and his expertise includes project management, design and mplementation of modern information systems, object oriented databases, and eLearning systems. He was the project manager of the pSkills LLP Comenius project. His current research focuses on creativity methodologies and systems to support deep holistic learning in school education and in informal and non-formal learning settings incorporating Arts. He is also involved in the eShadow project.

Nikos Pappas

Research Engineer – Learning Technologies Expert. He holds an Engineering Diploma and a M.Sc. in Electronic and Computer Engineering. He has been working in TUC/MUSIC since 1992 and has been involved in various European research projects related to multimedia information systems, eLearning and digital libraries. He is the chief architect and responsible for the development and evolution of the Coursevo platform (http://coursevo.com) supporting communities of practice and training programmes.

Yiannis Maragkoudakis

Researcher – Financial expert. He is an electronic and computer engineer (Dipl.-Eng.). He has been working in TUC/MUSIC since 1992 and has been involved in various EU research projects. His expertise includes project management and coordination of research projects, parallel systems, multimedia servers, eLearning systems and applications.